Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing

internet marketing

Correlated Media’s internet marketing program will promote your company through blogs, podcasts, video, eBooks, eNewsletters, whitepapers, SEO, social media marketing, and other forms of content marketing. Inbound marketing earns the attention of customers, makes the company easy to be found and draws customers to the website by producing interesting content.Through the use of inbound marketing you “earn their way in” in contrast to outbound marketing where they “buy, beg, or bug their way in”.

In one case inbound marketing was defined by three phases: Get found, Convert and Analyze. A newer model illustrates the concept in five stages:

  1. Attract traffic
  2. Convert visitors to leads
  3. Convert leads to sales
  4. Turn customers into repeat higher margin customers
  5. Analyze for continuous improvement

Complex inbound marketing practices target potential customers at various different levels of product/brand awareness. The most scaled tactics attempt to funnel customers from semantically related market segments, who have no product awareness or intention to purchase. This is usually achieved by taking the customer through a structured informational path, which builds awareness and increases interest over time.